Close the page and open the next module questionnaire by clicking the next hyperlink.ħ. When the ANSWERS have been recorded, the following message will be shown.Ħ. Once you finish answering the questionnaire, CLICK ON SUBMIT BUTTON TO RECORD YOUR ANSWERS.ĥ.Open the individual module questionnaire by clicking the hyperlink.
1st Year, 2nd year, 3rd Year, 4th Year or CE Student Feedback). READ FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND FILL IN THE QUESTIONNAIRE Please note that your feedback is ANONYMOUS and you are requested to share your honest suggestions & comments. The feedback will be collected online using the link below during your GSH classes (6th - 10th November) and you are requested to use your personal 3G/4G data should the Wi-Fi connections in your classes not work.įor each module, AAD aims to have 90% student participation and if the requirement is not fulfilled, your class might be asked to fill out the form again. Your honest feedback will help us improve the overall quality of teaching and learning at RTC hence, you are requested to cooperate and give your full participation. You are all requested to participate in this end-semester student feedback session. Fall 2023 End-Semester Student Feedback Collection (from 6th November to 10th November 2023).